State Parks Tagged With: Museum

California State Capitol Museum
Sacramento, CA
Home of the California Legislature since 1869, the State Capitol underwent a major renovation that restored much of the building's original look. Visitors can tour the restored historic offices of the
California State Mining and Mineral Museum Park Property
Mariposa, CA
We are proud to display the Fricot “Nugget”, a rare and beautiful specimen of crystallized gold discovered in the American River in 1864. This spectacular 13.8-pound. specimen is the largest remainin
California State Railroad Museum Point of Interest
Sacramento, CA
The California State Railroad Museum (CSRM) in Old Sacramento is the world-class tribute to the role of the "iron horse" in connecting California to the rest of the nation. Our museum features 21 lavi
State Indian Museum State Historic Park
Sacramento, CA
The State Indian Museum, opened in 1940, depicts three major themes of California Indian life: Nature, Spirit, and Family. Native peoples lived prosperously for thousands of years in what is now Cali